How To Create A Perfect About Me Page| Writing About Me is very Important

How To Create A Perfect About Me Page : Essential Blog Element 

Welcome to my very first post which is about essential blog element, in my today’s article I am going to tell you how to create a perfect About Me page of your blog. Do you know that more than 80% of your first time visitors view your about me page and if that page is missing important features you can loose your first time visitors. 

Lets start:-

1.What is an about me page

A page on your website/blog that gives defines you and your blog is called an About Me page. Read below on how to create a perfect about me page.

Show your personality by displaying your picture

2.Add your image 

If your about me page does not have any pic of yours, go and add one. But before selecting any image to show it in on your blog make sure:

  • -choose a high quality image.
  • -Make sure you choose an image that reflects your personality.
  • -If you want you can also add more than 1 picture of yours.
  • -If you want you can also add a picture of yours that your clicked with some popular person in your niche.
  • -If possible, you can edit the image that suits the color combination of your blog.

If you add your own image to your blog, it helps your readers to develop an image of yours. If you’ve added an suitable image that reflects your personality, it will give positive message to your readers.

3.Write a short description

Before you start writing content in About Me page, at the top write 1-2 lines of what your blog is about. This short description of your blog is going to tell the main theme/basic idea of your blog.

Suppose, a first time visitor opens about me page, by reading the first 1-2 lines of your page he/she will get the basic idea of your blog which is really important.

4.Tell why your blog exists and how it can help others

Create a new section on your blog telling why your blog exists and how it can help others. In this section tell what are the topics your blog covers and how it is different from others.

5.Give link to some pillar articles

At the end of about me page, give link to some of the pillar articles/popular articles of your blog. This will help the first time visitors to  create a positive impact and will give more exposure to your popular articles. The first time visitor after reading the pillar articles on your blog will surely subscribe to your blog.

6.Tell who should read your blog

Create a new headline in about me page titled “who should read this blog” and in brief who should read your blog. As a demo, you can see my about me page.

7.Tell benefits of reading your blog

In your about me page, also tell the benefits of reading your blog. Suppose, if you’ve a tech blog, you can write that you conduct contests and giveaways, you write reviews on latest gadget and give tips and tricks on Windows, Linux etc. Doing this might help to convert your first time visitor to subscriber.

8.Give Facebook profile link, mobile number and subscription links

In the about me page, if you want you can also give your Facebook profile link and mobile number so that anyone can contact your directly and PM you if needed.Giving subscription links will help you to increase RSS subscriber.

These were few essential features that an about me page must have. Now, if you are serious about blogging its time to redefine your about me page, do share your views on the points I’ve covered and I am waiting for your ideas also. This was the first post in essential blog element series, to get other posts in this series direct into your mailbox, feel free to subscribe to my blog.


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