what is career ? Types of career paths, tips and examples

What is career? what are the types of career ?

what is career?

If you type 'career' on google search you will find this on the dictionary tab :

Definition 1:

Career is like a job/profession that somebody has been trained for and does it for a long period of time, the series of jobs that somebody has in particular field of work.

Definition 2:

The period of your life that you have spent working.

Definition of career : A variety of experiences that you have earned throughout your lifespan is called career. when you gain more experiences in this world of life and work you are building your career.

your career path includes your childhood, education, qualifications, certifications, paid and unpaid jobs or internships and every single experiences that you have undertaken throughout your life.
it also includes your family, community involvement and other activity and more.

The word 'career' often used to refer to a occupation, vocation or profession. a career could define you what you do for your living also it could mean working as an accountant, bank employee, scientist , doctor, driver, consultant, lawyer, electrician, photographer, reporter etc. 

Types of career paths :

there are some major kinds of career paths available.

knowledge professional

1. Knowledge professionals

In the knowledge oriented career, a person acquired and uses some kind of knowledge for problem solving such as medicine, law, engineering, accounts, finance, and management. this are all types of knowledge oriented career paths where one can make their career by acquiring any specific kind of knowledge.
Any profession that involve the computer are the common knowledge professions, such as: 
  • web designers
  • computer engineers 
  • data scientist 
  • IT professionals
  • management consultants 
  • marketing professionals 
  • architects

skilled professional

2. Skilled Professionals

the second type of career path are skilled oriented professionals. these are very hands-on, providing a service or physical product and are mostly paid by an hour. these are mostly labor, welder, plumber, mechanic etc. 
they can also be paid on freelance basis and like a job base it includes:-
  • chefs 
  • sportsman
  • artists
  • mechanics
  • plumbers
  • performers
  • hosts
  • construction workers


3. Business or Entrepreneurship 

The Third types of career involve to be your own boss or own your business, it is something that adds value to the customer, in form of selling new products or any kind of services. if you are going to this path, you will need some capital and you have to create some products or service, so that you can setup this business.
also it requires set of skillset to run a business like hiring skills to make your own team and also creating a supply chain or the customer base.


4. Freelancers

the last kind of career path is freelancing workers and this type of business include selling of service and skill. if you are an individual not tied up with any company selling your services and skills then you are a freelancer. a freelancer have some set of skills and knowledge who manages to sell his services for multiples businesses and different customers.
this includes :-
  • chartered accountants
  • photographers
  • content writers
  • web developers
  • artists
  • ads experts
So, these are the major four types of career paths.

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