Start your own Blog|Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging

You should start your own Blog Now

 Blogging is getting popular day by day, the main reason for its popularity according to me is 

  •  you can earn your living through it 
  • you can become quite famous if you’ve a popular blog.

Today, I am sharing my 10 reasons to start a blog. Lets start :

1. Its free & easy

The first reason why you should blog is because its totally free. You do not require to spend a single penny on it but in return you can earn from it. You do not have to have any HTML knowledge, a blog is very easy to start.

2.Share your thoughts

About 40% of the total blogs are made just to share their thoughts and opinions. If you have something to say, you can start your own blog and you can easily express your views and get to know about others views also. Blogging is a great way to express your freedom of speech. You can talk about your hobbies, interests, passions, current topics and there are so many topics to have a blog on.

3.Help others

If you have knowledge about a particular field, just start a blog and you can help others by sharing your experience like how to loose weight, how to solve PC problems, share your lessons and so on.

4.Increase your skills

If you want to increase your writing skills, there is no other thing than blogging. It will definitely help you to decrease spelling and grammatical mistakes.

5.Make money

Yes! You can earn hell a lot of money from your blog, all you need is proper knowledge and passion. When I started blogging 2 years back, I was earning around 100 USD per month in 6 months of blogging.

In my future articles I’ll be telling you about how to earn from your blog. I’ll be writing full fleshed articles that will help you to make some buck out from your blog. So keep visiting :)

6.Its fun

Blogging is fun, you get to know about different things, you meet fellow bloggers, attend Blog Camps. You can meet like-minded people. In a nutshell Blogging is a great fun. Just go for it.

7.You’ll be famous

Yes, believe me, you can be quite famous if you spend good time on blogging with proper guidelines and by attracting a wide range of visitors.

8.Grow your business

Over the last years, blogging has proved itself to be one of the best way to promote and sell products online. So, with a blog you can start and grow your business.

9.Create your own network

By regular posting and commenting on other blogs you can create your own network of fellow bloggers and people of same interest as yours and can exchange ideas and information.

10.Get feedback

If you’ve a blog, then it is a best way to get feedback from others. A blog has a feature where users can comment on every article you write. A blog will definitely help you to get regular feedback on your ideas and thoughts.

This is what I think, and in my opinion everyone should have a blog. If not then go for it. I’ll love to hear about your opinions, what reason do you have to start a blog ? I am waiting for your comments.

May this article is helpful for you,  

Thankyou ðŸ˜‰

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